Hourly Minimum Wage

In countries where Minimum Wage are expressed in monthly pay (or weekly - MT), the amount is converted into hourly rates based on the average collectively agreed number of working hours per month, as provided by Eurofound (2023), or most recent data available. For non-euro countries, the values were converted to Euro by applying the exchange rate applicable at the end of the previous reference month (December 2023). Rates for countries with more than 12 wage payments per year (Greece, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain) were converted by dividing the annual sum of the minimum wage by 12 calendar months.


Monthly Minimum Wage

In countries in which the minimum wage is not explicitly set per month, the calculation of the monthly minimum wage is based on the hourly rate multiplied with the average collectively agreed number of working hours per month (full time equivalent). 2023 or most recent data available.


Collective Bargaining Coverage

Collective Bargaining coverage is measured as the share of employees covered by a collective agreement (in percent) of the number of employees with the right to bargain (OECD/AIAS ICTWSS database, 2021 or most recent year available)


Predominant level at which wage bargaining takes place (in terms of coverage of employees)

This graph shows the correlation between the predominant level at which wage bargaining takes place (in terms of coverage of employees) and the collective bargaining coverage


In-work poverty rate

In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate refers to the percentage of persons, who declared to be employed or self-employed, being at risk of poverty (i.e. with a disposable income below the threshold, set at 60 % of the national median disposable income after social transfers) (latest data Eurostat, 2023).


TU density

Trade union density is measured as the share of employees who are a member of a trade union (in percent) of the overall workforce (OECD/AIAS ICTWSS database, 2019 or the most recent year available)


MinWage_relative GM+GA

Minimum Wage as % Gross Median Wage (2023)

Under the Directive, Member States are required to use indicative reference values when assessing of the adequacy of statutory minimum wages: 60% of the gross median wage. The data is based on the OECD Earnings Database (2024); for Malta and for Bulgaria the data was taken from Eurostat (2024). For Bulgaria the most recent figure available at Eurostat was for 2018.

Minimum Wage as % Gross Average Wage (2023)

Under the Directive, Member States are required to use indicative reference values when assessing of the adequacy of statutory minimum wages: 50% of the gross average wage. The data is based on the OECD Earnings Database (2024); for Malta and for Bulgaria the data was taken from Eurostat (2024).
